Annie Gurmeher Kaur

Annie Gurmeher Kaur is an MS-PhD student in the field of applied economics and management. Her research interests revolve around the UN sustainable development goals, particularly analyzing how poverty, nutrition, education, and gender intersect and interact with one another, as well as how the agricultural sector can be made more productive and efficient. She is also interested in using mathematical and statistical models to solve the problems that plague the developing world. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics with first rank from Shri Ram College of Commerce and a master’s degree from the Delhi School of Economics at the University of Delhi. Prior to joining TCI, she interned with various organizations, including The Reserve Bank of India, where she analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on the banking sector, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she was a part of a team responsible for developing a generic subscription-based pricing model. She has always believed that her education would be fruitful the day it helps her to help others, and wants her work to be directed towards that end.