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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition



Will India’s new food bill have an impact on undernourished women and children?

September 19, 2013
Alina Paul-Bossuet is an invited author writing for TCI from Hyderabad, India. Alina is a Communication Specialist working at ICRISAT where she engages in range of agricultural development issues and topics around the country. Read more

Two new team members

September 13, 2013
This week we welcomed two new researchers to the TCi team with the appointment of Monroe Weber-Shirk as a faculty fellow and Tanvi Rao as a TCi Scholar. Meet more of our researchers here. Monroe Weber-Shirk was awarded a TCi Faculty Fellowship as a result of his current and proposed work to continue developing robust, sustainable municipal drinking water…

TCI welcomes new Scholar and new Faculty Fellow

September 13, 2013
This week TCI welcomed two new researchers to the TCI research team with the appointment of a Faculty Fellow and a TCI Scholar. Congratulations to Dr. Monroe Weber-Shirk and Tanvi Rao! Read more
group of women farming field

Linking women’s empowerment, iron deficiency and farming systems in Chandrapur, Maharashtra

September 9, 2013 by Soumya Gupta
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta , a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, reports about her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs across farming systems and how participation in farm and non-farm employment may affect iron deficiency status. The rural poor…

TCI Field Notes: Linking women’s empowerment, iron deficiency and farming systems

September 9, 2013
TCI FIELD NOTES are a series of blog posts dedicated for current TCI Scholars, Fellows, and staff to share experiences, insight, and stories stemming from TCI funded fieldwork throughout India. Soumya Gupta is current (2013) TCi Scholar pursuing a Ph.D in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. She writes this post from the Chandrapur district…
group of people looking at a map

Women leading change in rural India

August 6, 2013 by Prabhu Pingali
TCi director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand – to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections at the completion of the trip. One common feature I noticed across most of the locations I visited was…

Women leading change in rural India

August 6, 2013
TCI director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand – to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections at the completion of the trip. Read more.
woman picking through a bushel of grains

Subsidized food grains make a difference for the rural poor

July 31, 2013 by Prabhu Pingali
TCi director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections about a trip to the eastern states of Odisha and Jharkhand. I am on my third week of travels through rural India. We have covered 3,500…
women cleaning rice

Subsidized food grains make a difference for the rural poor

July 31, 2013
TCI Director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections about a trip to the eastern states of Odisha and Jharkhand. Read more.

Aspirations and evolving diets of the rural poor

July 18, 2013 by Prabhu Pingali
TCi director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections about a trip to Wardha, Maharashtra. As we were driving into a remote village in the hills of Melghat, a region of impoverished tribal populations…