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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Author: Leslie Verteramo Chiu

Men and women sitting at tables during the OPSAa workshop

Notes From a Hemispheric Workshop on ‘The Transition to a New Generation of Agrifood Systems Policies’

On December 4–5, 2024, the Observatory of Public Policies for Agrifood Systems (OPSAa) held a hemispheric workshop on “The Transition to a New Generation of Agrifood Systems Policies” at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) headquarters in Costa…
Jute sacks of soybeans

How Soybean FPOs Can Use Futures Contracts to Manage Risk

Price volatility affects all members of the agricultural value chain, but smallholder farmers in developing countries are particularly vulnerable to adverse prices. In general, price hedging mechanisms for smallholder farmers are limited and, in many cases, not used. With appropriate…
A soybean warehouse in Latur

Soybean Value Chains and Market Efficiency: Lessons from a Field Visit to FPOs in Latur

In a recent visit to Latur, a district in Maharashtra, India, we gained an understanding of the marketing channels and infrastructure available for local soybean producers. In India, Latur is a significant agricultural hub for soybean cultivation, with the second-highest…
A man harvesting coffee beans

A Tale of Two Aggregation Models: FPO Promotion in India and Mexico

This is the first in a series of blog posts exploring the experiences of farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and FPO promotion in India and Latin America. The next post will examine soy bean value chains and FPOs in Maharashtra, India.…
food policy cover art

Aggregation Models and Small Farm Commercialization – A Scoping Review of the Global Literature

Abstract Aggregation models where small farms jointly access credit, inputs, information, and product markets are not new to global agricultural systems. For over a century, agricultural cooperatives worldwide have tried rectifying small farm disadvantages in market access. In the last two decades, newer aggregation models...