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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition


Dr. Soumya Gupta

ICRW Announces Winner of the Inaugural Paula Kantor Award

January 20, 2016
Erin Kelly is a Communications Specialist at the International Center for Research on Women. This is a re-post of her piece which originally appeared on the News & Commentary section of the ICRW website. The International Center for Research on Women is proud to announce the winner of the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in…

ICRW interviews Dr. Soumya Gupta, Winner of the Inaugural Paula Kantor Award

January 20, 2016
On January 20th, 2016, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) awarded Dr. Soumya Gupta with the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research, which honors the work of an up-and-coming research focused on alleviating gender inequality. Dr. Gupta’s work focuses on the linkages between agriculture systems and women’s empowerment and in…

Dr. Soumya Gupta wins Inaugural Paula Kantor Award

January 14, 2016
The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is proud to announce the winner of the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research. Dr. Soumya Gupta – the first TCI Scholar to complete her Ph.D. in our program and currently a Post-doctoral Associate with Tata-Cornell – was selected for this award in January…

TCI and partners gather in New Delhi to kick-off TARINA

January 11, 2016
By Megan Witwer  Over the past 50 years, the Green Revolution in India has ushered in new technologies that enhanced the productivity of staple grains and transformed the country’s agricultural landscape. As diverse farmlands were converted to monoculture fields of wheat, maize and rice, land dedicated to micronutrient-rich food crops diminished. While this transformation has helped…

TCI and partners gather in New Delhi to kick-off TARINA

January 11, 2016
From the 14th-16th of December 2015, the TARINA Consortium met for the first time in New Delhi to discuss and agree on areas of intervention, research and activities that will be carried out under the project’s three main objectives.
TCI summer interns

Call for Applications: TCi Summer Internship

December 15, 2015
The application period for the TCi Summer Internship Program is open!  The application packet can be accessed here.  The deadline to apply is January 19th, 2016 (day after MLK day).    About TCi: TCi is the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative.  It is a long-term, multidisciplinary research program. TCi focuses on policy analysis and the design and evaluation of innovative interventions linking agriculture,…

The Economic Times of India: $13.4 million Bill Gates grant to help combat India malnutrition

December 4, 2015
News of the $13.4 grant to launch the TARINA project goes global through this news piece in The Economic Times, a widely read, English-language Indian daily newspaper. It is the second-most widely read business newspaper after the Wall Street Journal (*).

Illuminating trade-offs with the intensification of goat systems in India

November 5, 2015
Maureen Valentine is a TCi Scholar and a second year Ph.D student in the department of Animal Science at Cornell University. She will begin one year of field-based research in January 2016. Agriculture in India is predominately organized into integrated crop-livestock systems, which depend on a crop-livestock collaboration to sustain households’ nutrition and economic needs….

A Good Shock: Discovering Soil Health – a Farmer’s Perspective

October 29, 2015
Having been a farmer or living on a farm for most of my life, without having come across the concept of Soil Health and sustainable soil practices came as a bit of a shock to me – good shock and bad shock. Bad because I was disappointed that I had managed to miss something as…

CIIFAD Seminar invites Tata-Cornell Program Update

October 21, 2015
The Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) sponsors a weekly international seminar series during the academic year. On October 21, 2015, Dr. Prabhu Pingali, Cornell Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and Director of the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition, presented Addressing Malnutrition in India: The Tata-Cornell…