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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition


TCi Scholar Lua Wilkinson

“Our main interest is to spread what we’ve learned to others”

January 8, 2014 by Lua Wilkinson
TCi Scholar Lua Wilkinson is a doctoral student in International Nutrition at Cornell, where she researches how organizations can better utilize communications to improve nutrition interventions globally. Here, she details some of her work with TCi partner Digital Green on the use of low-cost participatory communication technologies such as video to improve nutrition among women’s self-help groups in…
TCi Scholar Vinay Bhaskar looking at cotton plants

Cover crop trials for cotton

November 22, 2013 by Vinay Bhaskar
TCi Scholar Vinay Bhaskar, a Ph.D candidate in horticulture at Cornell, is conducting field trials for cover crops that can replenish the Maharashtra region’s rapidly depleting soil organic matter content. Here, he shares some of his experiences in the field.  Cotton represents a major crop in India; millions depend on it for income and employment. Cotton…
Katie Ricketts

Getting Agricultural Policies Right: TCi presents at 2013 Technical Meeting on Nutrition in Rome

November 21, 2013 by Katie Ricketts
Last week, the technical meeting for the upcoming 2nd International Conference for Nutrition was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy. The purpose of the meeting was to gather experts to hear country feedback and set the agenda for the main event, which will take place in November 2014. TCi Program/Research Manager Katie…

Current TCI research: Nutrition messaging in Orissa

October 23, 2013
Check out our blog! Lua Wilkinson, a Cornell University PhD student in Nutrition Sciences and TCI Scholar, shares about her recent fieldwork focusing on nutrition messaging in rural Orissa. TCI FIELD NOTES are a series of blog posts dedicated for current TCI Scholars, Fellows and TCI staff to share experiences, insight and stories stemming from TCI-funded fieldwork throughout India.
family posing for picture

Nutrition and feeding of goats in the Udaipur District, Rajasthan

October 10, 2013 by Maureen Valentine
TCi Scholar Maureen Valentine, a graduate student in animal science at Cornell University, is studying goat nutrition and feeding practices in the Udaipur District of Rajasthan. Here, she shares some of her experiences in the field.  Mahatma Gandhi referred to goats as the “poor man’s cow”, and this description certainly holds true in much of India today….
woman sitting letting grain run through her hands

Welfare and Poverty Impacts of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh

September 30, 2013 by Klaus Deininger, Yanyan Liu
Yanyan Liu, of TCi partner organization International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Klaus Deininger, of the World Bank, are currently conducting research on the poverty and welfare impacts of one of India’s largest public works programs, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. They share some initial findings from their research in this guest post. Public works programs…

Impact Analysis of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

September 30, 2013
This post was authored by Yanyan Liu from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Klaus Deininger from the World Bank. They are currently conducting research on the poverty and welfare impacts of one of India’s largest public works programs, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.

Prabhu Pingali speaks at 2013 Science Forum in Germany, Sept. 23-25

September 23, 2013
TCI Director Prabhu Pingali spoke at the 2013 Science Forum, September 23-25 in Germany. His talk was titled, Agricultural Pathways to Improved Nutrition: Getting Policies Right. See Video.

Leading economist to head India nutrition initiative

September 20, 2013
Prabhu Pingali has been appointed Director of the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI), a long-term project established through a $25 million endowment from the Tata Trusts. Read more.

Will India’s new food bill have an impact on under-nourished women and children?

September 19, 2013 by Alina Paul-Bossuet
Alina Paul-Bossuet is a communications specialist with TCi partner organization ICRISAT, where she engages in range of agricultural development issues and topics around India. Here, she contributes a guest post about India’s recently passed, much debated, Food Security Bill.  India urgently needs serious investment in nutrition to give children a chance for healthy development. With the bill, an…