Tag: Division of Nutritional Sciences

Quality or quantity? Defining food loss and waste along the fruit and vegetable value chain
The FAO estimates that “one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally” (FAO, 2011). As I went about my summer exploratory work on food loss in India, I spent time reflecting on how ‘food loss and…

Making adolescent girls a priority, not an afterthought, in the global health debate
“In global health, we talk a lot about neglected diseases like onchocerciasis and schistosomiasis—serious ailments that most people have never heard of. But a condition that everybody is perfectly aware of, malnutrition, may be the most neglected health problem in…

Interacting with value chain actors: What to do when your research subjects have work to do
Levels of food loss are product and value chain specific. An important first step in determining methods and metrics to evaluate food loss of perishables was to identify the product (or products) and map the value chains. The objective of…