Tag: Dora Heng

Visiting the Marketplace: Pilot Testing Our Novel Market Level Dietary Diversity Module
Over the past one and a half weeks since our arrival in India, our team has been hard at work developing and fine-tuning our survey instruments. Building on the MNDA pilot completed by TCi interns last year, our team aims…

Eyes on focus groups
Focus group discussions (FGD) serve as a useful research methodology to gather qualitative data on a specific topic of interest. As the intern team working on the MNDA with ICRISAT, we are particularly interested in understanding how eating out behavior…

Reflections from ICRISAT: Science with a human face
For the past 7 weeks, the TCi team has been working closely with our partner organization ICRISAT to study household and individual dietary diversity. Finishing a research project within 7 weeks is no easy feat. Aside from the two back…