Tag: economics

Welfare and Poverty Impacts of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh
Yanyan Liu, of TCi partner organization International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Klaus Deininger, of the World Bank, are currently conducting research on the poverty and welfare impacts of one of India’s largest public works programs, the National Rural…

TCI holds first joint course on Sustainable Global Food Systems in India
TCi recently held its first joint course with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). The course, Sustainable Global Food Systems: Food Policy for Developing Countries, was held in Mumbai, India from January 25-28, 2014. TCi Scholar Tanvi Rao, a…

Agricultural policy priorities for the new Indian government
TCi director Prabhu Pingali shares his thoughts on how the new Indian government should approach the agricultural and nutritional needs of its growing nation.
Despite overall economic growth that the country has been experiencing over the past few decades, rural…

The promise of iron-fortified food for India: What’s available?
TCi intern Alex King spent the summer in Mumbai researching and advancing TCi’s understanding of the iron-fortified food market. TCi is working to develop new products, partnerships and/or opportunities for promoting iron-fortified foods for rural and urban India. As of…

Changing Food Systems for Improved Health: Seeking Win-Wins
Food systems have much greater impact on our health and wellbeing than they are getting credit for by the popular press and in the general debate. In spite of economically well-functioning food systems, nutrition-related health problems are huge both in…

ICRW interviews Dr. Soumya Gupta, Winner of the Paula Kantor Award
By Erin Kelly
Erin Kelly is a Communications Specialist at the International Center for Research on Women. This interview originally appeared on the ICRW website.
On January 20th, ICRW awarded Dr. Soumya Gupta with the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for…