Tag: focus groups

Eyes on focus groups
Focus group discussions (FGD) serve as a useful research methodology to gather qualitative data on a specific topic of interest. As the intern team working on the MNDA with ICRISAT, we are particularly interested in understanding how eating out behavior…

TARINA Food Systems Diagnostic Study (FSDS) undertaken in Bihar, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh
During the first meeting of the TARINA Consortium in New Delhi from the 14th-16th of December 2015, partner organizations gathered to jointly agree on areas of intervention, research and activities that will be carried out under the project’s Results Framework.…

Making adolescent girls a priority, not an afterthought, in the global health debate
“In global health, we talk a lot about neglected diseases like onchocerciasis and schistosomiasis—serious ailments that most people have never heard of. But a condition that everybody is perfectly aware of, malnutrition, may be the most neglected health problem in…