Tag: GDS

TARINA Food Systems Diagnostic Study (FSDS) undertaken in Bihar, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh
During the first meeting of the TARINA Consortium in New Delhi from the 14th-16th of December 2015, partner organizations gathered to jointly agree on areas of intervention, research and activities that will be carried out under the project’s Results Framework.…

Field notes: Essentials of enumerator training
I have been lodged in Mahrajganj, Uttar Pradesh for the past month and a half with the purpose of conducting the survey for two chapters of my doctoral thesis. For this study, I have had the gracious support of the…

Combating open defecation through a community-led sanitation approach in rural India
Every year, 188,000 children under five in India die due to diarrhea-related illnesses. This catastrophic burden on children’s health is largely due to the fact that over a third of the Indian population defecates in the open. Open defecation (OD)…

Key lessons in exploratory research and fieldwork
A key feature of the Tata-Cornell experience is conducting fieldwork. As TCI Scholars, we gather primary data for our thesis research through a long-term engagement with villages in rural India. Before we finalize our research questions, write a proposal and…

Decoding open defecation: Relevance of early findings for field and policy
In my previous blog, I described the prevalence and predicaments of open defecation (OD) in India. For my PhD thesis, I am working with GDS to make villages open defecation free (ODF) by investing in construction of toilets as well…

Building capacity for project monitoring, evaluation, and learning among a wide range of organizations and stakeholders
TCI’s TARINA Center of Excellence in New Delhi provides capacity building on project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to senior- and mid-level managers of organizations interested in advancing data-based solutions for development effectiveness. Recently, TCI conducted two M&E workshops, one for…