Tag: Gender & Nutrition

TCI Publishes 2023–24 Annual Report
The Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) has published its 2023–24 Annual Report.
The report offers an in-depth look at the full range of TCI’s research and other activities, including projects like Zero-Hunger, Zero-Carbon Food Systems, and field research…

Empowerment Is Key for Women’s Nutrition Amid India’s Urban Shift
This policy brief presents the findings of a TCI study examining the effect of women’s nutritional empowerment on dietary diversity within households situated in areas along a continuum from rural to urban. Using data from the National Family Health Survey and satellite-based data on nighttime...

Women’s Empowerment and Intra-Household Diet Diversity Across the Urban Continuum: Evidence from India’s DHS
Abstract Read a policy brief based on this study. Women’s empowerment has been associated with improved nutritional outcomes in various settings. However, the gains from empowerment do not necessarily accrue to different members of the same household in the same manner. Furthermore, the relationship between...

Empowerment Programs Can Improve Nutrition of Women Left Behind by India’s Urban Transformation
New research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) reveals that Indian efforts to improve household nutrition through women’s empowerment could have a greater impact with a more targeted approach that takes into account different levels of urbanization. …

Notes From the Field: Giving Back to the People You Study
For my doctoral dissertation, I ventured into the field to explore the role that women’s empowerment in agriculture can play in determining their iron status. In addition to collection of survey data on agriculture, empowerment, and other socioeconomic variables, blood…

Pandemic-Era Disruptions Linked to 14% Increase in Underweight Children
This policy brief presents the findings of a TCI study that examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s nutrition in India. Using TARINA survey data, researchers found a 14% increase in underweight children after pandemic-related lockdowns. Based on these results, TCI recommends that...

Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Reverse the Nutritional Gains in Children? Evidence from Rural India
Abstract Read a policy brief based on this study. To address the missing link that goes beyond the changes in dietary consumption and food expenditures to assess the impact of the pandemic on child undernutrition, specifically anthropometric outcomes, this paper uses primary panel data (pre-...

COVID-19 Pandemic Linked to 14% Increase in Underweight Children in India
The nutrition of Indian children suffered dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) that found a sharp rise in underweight children.
In a study published in Economic and Political…

Men’s Education Tied to Improved Household Nutrition
This policy brief presents the findings of a TCI study assessing the impact of men’s education on household and women’s dietary diversity, an indicator of overall nutrition. Using survey data collected as part of the TARINA project, TCI researchers found that men’s education has a...

Leveraging Men’s Education as an Effective Pathway for Improving Diet Quality: Evidence from Rural India
Abstract Read a policy brief based on this study. Investing in nutrition-sensitive sectors such as education can be an effective strategy for combatting malnutrition. In this paper, we analyze the role that men’s education plays in determining dietary diversity outcomes using primary data from 3600...