Tag: Maharashtra

Aspirations and evolving diets of the rural poor
TCi director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections about a trip to Wardha, Maharashtra.
As we…

Linking women’s empowerment, iron deficiency and farming systems in Chandrapur, Maharashtra
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta , a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, reports about her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs across…

Cover crop trials for cotton
TCi Scholar Vinay Bhaskar, a Ph.D candidate in horticulture at Cornell, is conducting field trials for cover crops that can replenish the Maharashtra region’s rapidly depleting soil organic matter content. Here, he shares some of his experiences in the field. …

TCi convenes working group in India focused on smallholder aggregation models for improving nutrition
TCi recently coordinated a multi-sector meeting with plant breeders, economists, private agribusiness companies, NGO organizations, and intergovernmental organizations at the Hyperabad offices of ICRISAT to discuss how to expand supply and improve demand for protein-dense and biofortified foods in India. …

Establishing the Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture: TCi works to fill the agriculture-nutrition data void
TCi Program/Research Manager Katie Ricketts describes how the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative is working to fill the nutrition-agriculture data void by establishing a The Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA).
A better understanding of the links between agriculture and…

MNDA pilot project begins
A recent post outlined TCi efforts to gather essential metrics to provide a standardized and streamlined way to measure nutrition status within current and existing agriculture surveys, through its Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA). Here is an update on…

Pre-testing the MNDA: Our first few weeks in India
Read more about TCi’s work in creating a minimum set of nutrition metrics for use in agriculture surveys here.
Since our arrival in India, the TCi intern team has taken great strides in the development of the dietary diversity module…