Tag: Nutrition

TCI holds public policy panel discussion in New Delhi on food systems diversity to celebrate the inauguration of TARINA
How can policymakers, investors and development practitioners improve the affordability and availability of diverse, high-quality and nutrient-rich foods in India?
This is the question that set the stage for the policy dialogue in New Delhi on August 5th, 2016, held…

Promoting a more nutritious food system in India: The role of smallholder agriculture
Dr. Prabhu Pingali, Director of the Tata-Cornell Institute (TCI) & Professor of Applied Economics at Cornell University, delivered an opening lecture, titled “Promoting a More Nutritious Food System in India: The Role of Smallholder Agriculture,” at the Agricultural Economics Research…

Engendering food systems for improved nutrition
TCI-TARINA and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) co-hosted a special session, titled “Engendering Food Systems for Improved Nutrition,” at the Agricultural Economics Research Association’s 24th Annual Conference on December 16th, 2016. The primary objective of this event was…

New food policies could take the bite out of India’s malnutrition
India has spent the last 50 years combating hunger by boosting its production of staple crops like wheat, rice and maize. The strategy has worked – up to a point.
Now India struggles with chronic malnutrition and child stunting, even…

Emerging themes on developing a diversified food system in Odisha
Odisha’s agriculture sector is largely dependent on small and marginal farmers, which comprise almost 80 percent of total farmers. Paddy is the staple cereal crop in the state, while other cereals and pulses account for a much smaller share of…

Videos from the Field: Payal Seth
For her PhD research, Payal Seth has been conducting ongoing fieldwork in Uttar Pradesh, India. In this video, Payal explains the crux of her research question and reflects on another summer of field-based research.
Learn more about her research and…

A new road map for rolling out a Green Revolution 2.0 in Eastern India
In collaboration with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), TCI-TARINA organized a two-day workshop, titled “Green Revolution in Eastern India: Constraints, Opportunities, and the Way Forward,” on October 9-10, 2017 in…

TCI-TARINA participates in the International Conference on Rural Management in Bhubaneswar
Improving the quality of life for rural people is key to sustainable development in countries like India, where one-third of the population lives in villages. At the first International Conference on Rural Management (ICRM), professionals gathered to share evidence and…

New food for better health: Introducing orange sweet potato to Uttar Pradesh
On a bright, windy morning in the rural district of Maharajganj, Sunita Devi listens for the crackling of cumin seeds in hot mustard oil, then adds a heap of chopped onions and garlic to the pan, smiling as they begin…

Farmers’ decision making and perceived benefits of orange-fleshed sweet potato adoption
“He says orange-fleshed sweet potato has made his family healthier,” my translator, Shaktikar says as I scribble notes in a small notebook. I make sure not to disturb the iPhone pointed towards the farmer we’re interviewing. It is recording every…