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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Tag: research

Towards an agenda for addressing the agriculture-nutrition nexus

I started in my new role as the Director of the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative just over a month ago.  This Cornell University initiative has been set up with a generous endowment from the Tata Trusts to take on…

Two new team members

This week we welcomed two new researchers to the TCi team with the appointment of Monroe Weber-Shirk as a faculty fellow and Tanvi Rao as a TCi Scholar. Meet more of our researchers here. Monroe Weber-Shirk was awarded a TCi…
woman sitting letting grain run through her hands

Welfare and Poverty Impacts of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh

Yanyan Liu, of TCi partner organization International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Klaus Deininger, of the World Bank, are currently conducting research on the poverty and welfare impacts of one of India’s largest public works programs, the National Rural…

Reflecting on this summer’s MNDA data collection: Our indispensable enumerators

Read additional posts about TCi’s work in creating a minimum set of nutrition metrics for use in agriculture surveys here. It’s an exciting time for the TCI intern team – we’ve just completed data collection and are now analyzing the…

Accessing diverse diets: age and gender in household food allocation

Kathryn Merckel is a Research Support Specialist and former Summer Intern with the TCi program, and has just completed her Masters in International Development. She is interested in the intersection of nutrition and gender, particularly empowerment, behavior change, and child…

Leveraging Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture

Soumya Gupta is a PhD candidate at Cornell’s Dyson School and a research scholar with the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (TCi).  She was a 2015 Next Generation Delegate at the Global Food Security Symposium convened by the Chicago Council.…

4 top learnings from surveying high school students in eastern India*

Tanvi Rao is a TCi Scholar and PhD Candidate in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell’s Dyson School. Earlier this year, I completed a four-month long survey of 12th grade students in and around the city of Ranchi in Jharkhand, …
Michaela Brown

“If You Could Have Utensils as Fingers…”

Anyone who has spent enough time around me (which sometimes might mean about five minutes) has been asked the question: “If you had to replace your fingers with any kind of utensil, what utensil would you choose?” This is one…

Heartbeat of the Household: My first selfie with the women of Jharkhand

I am working in the rural villages of Jharkhand as a TCi Intern this summer. Paired with TCi PhD Scholar Shiuli Vanaja, we will be looking at the economic and health impacts of the AguaClara water treatment technology. AguaClara is…
Michaela Brown with two women

Telugu Essentials: Kodi Kura Cala Manci

Few things made me happier this week than walking into a home and seeing hugs and hearing welcomes between old friends. This week in Dokur, a rural village that ICRISAT has been working with since 1975, I got to see…