Tag: staff

Honoring TCi chair Per
A Festschrift in honor of TCi chair Per Pinstrup-Andersen, sponsored by the Division of Nutritional Sciences, was held at Cornell University on December 13 and 14, 2013. Per’s colleagues, collaborators, and students paid tribute and presented papers in the areas…

TCi welcomes new researcher to tackle climate change and nutrition impacts in India
Water storage (natural or manmade) is one way in which we buffer against climate risks involving inadequate water. Not only is irrigation a way to deal with the occasional dry spell, but in many places it is critical to maintaining…

Availability vs accessibility: New TCi researcher studies nutrient needs in food supply
TCi is delighted to welcome another new post-doctoral associate to its research team: Julia Felice. Dr. Felice will be examining national agriculture and nutrition data to elucidate elements of food insecurity that may result from inadequate availability of nutrients in…