Tag: survey

“No, we are not from Tata-Cornell hospital!”
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta, a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, delivers an update on her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs…

Establishing the Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture: TCi works to fill the agriculture-nutrition data void
TCi Program/Research Manager Katie Ricketts describes how the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative is working to fill the nutrition-agriculture data void by establishing a The Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA).
A better understanding of the links between agriculture and…

MNDA pilot project begins
A recent post outlined TCi efforts to gather essential metrics to provide a standardized and streamlined way to measure nutrition status within current and existing agriculture surveys, through its Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA). Here is an update on…

Pre-testing the MNDA: Our first few weeks in India
Read more about TCi’s work in creating a minimum set of nutrition metrics for use in agriculture surveys here.
Since our arrival in India, the TCi intern team has taken great strides in the development of the dietary diversity module…

The first round of MNDA dietary diversity data collection concludes: Reflections from Dokur
TCi intern Christian DiRado-Owens, a development sociology student at Cornell University, reflects on the first round of data collection in the field. Christian is among five interns and TCi staff members who are spending the summer in India testing the…

A minimum set of nutrition indicators for agriculture surveys: attempting to bridge the agriculture-nutrition data gap
Katie Ricketts is the Program/Research Manager for Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (TCi), a long-term research initiative based at Cornell University.
For decades, agricultural surveys have focused on tracking household income and employment patterns, food supply and food prices, farm…

4 top learnings from surveying high school students in eastern India*
Tanvi Rao is a TCi Scholar and PhD Candidate in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell’s Dyson School.
Earlier this year, I completed a four-month long survey of 12th grade students in and around the city of Ranchi in Jharkhand, …

Heartbeat of the Household: My first selfie with the women of Jharkhand
I am working in the rural villages of Jharkhand as a TCi Intern this summer. Paired with TCi PhD Scholar Shiuli Vanaja, we will be looking at the economic and health impacts of the AguaClara water treatment technology. AguaClara is…

Women’s Empowerment in the Context of Field Research
As a research scholar with the Tata-Cornell Initiative on Agriculture and Nutrition at Cornell University I spent 15 months in India designing and implementing a household survey to collect data for my dissertation. The aim was to study linkages between…

TARINA Food Systems Diagnostic Study (FSDS) undertaken in Bihar, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh
During the first meeting of the TARINA Consortium in New Delhi from the 14th-16th of December 2015, partner organizations gathered to jointly agree on areas of intervention, research and activities that will be carried out under the project’s Results Framework.…