Tag: women

Women leading change in rural India
TCi director Prabhu Pingali set out on a 4,000 km journey across four states – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand – to conduct interviews with farmers in more than 20 locations throughout India. Here are some of his reflections…

Linking women’s empowerment, iron deficiency and farming systems in Chandrapur, Maharashtra
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta , a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, reports about her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs across…

Will India’s new food bill have an impact on under-nourished women and children?
Alina Paul-Bossuet is a communications specialist with TCi partner organization ICRISAT, where she engages in range of agricultural development issues and topics around India. Here, she contributes a guest post about India’s recently passed, much debated, Food Security Bill.

Getting Agricultural Policies Right: TCi presents at 2013 Technical Meeting on Nutrition in Rome
Last week, the technical meeting for the upcoming 2nd International Conference for Nutrition was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy. The purpose of the meeting was to gather experts to hear country feedback and…

“Our main interest is to spread what we’ve learned to others”
TCi Scholar Lua Wilkinson is a doctoral student in International Nutrition at Cornell, where she researches how organizations can better utilize communications to improve nutrition interventions globally. Here, she details some of her work with TCi partner Digital Green on…

Agricultural educators help with nutrition message delivery in Keonjhar
TCi Scholar Lua Wilkinson is a doctoral student in International Nutrition at Cornell, where she researches how organizations can better utilize communications to improve nutrition interventions globally. In her second post from the field (read her first here) she discusses…

Household lists: Check. Community outreach: Check. Recruitment: Check.
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta, a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, delivers an update on her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs…

Women’s groups as conduits towards resilient communities
This post originally appeared at FarmingFirst.org, where TCi director Prabhu Pingali contributed to a series of blog articles on resilience published in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ahead of the conference “Building Resilience for Food and…

MNDA pilot project begins
A recent post outlined TCi efforts to gather essential metrics to provide a standardized and streamlined way to measure nutrition status within current and existing agriculture surveys, through its Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA). Here is an update on…

Pre-testing the MNDA: Our first few weeks in India
Read more about TCi’s work in creating a minimum set of nutrition metrics for use in agriculture surveys here.
Since our arrival in India, the TCi intern team has taken great strides in the development of the dietary diversity module…