Publication type: Reports

Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in South Asia: Building Healthy, Sustainable Food Systems
TCI’s report on Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in South Asia: Building Healthy, Sustainable Food Systems (FAN-SA) examines trends in nutrition, agriculture, and food consumption in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, offering a range of policy instruments for improving nutrition outcomes...

Aggregation Models and Small Farm Commercialization: An Annotated Bibliography of Relevant Literature
Smallholder aggregation models around the globe have the potential to contribute significantly to agricultural growth and productivity by facilitating improved access to credit, inputs, markets, and information. Aggregation models, including farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and cooperatives, are institutional arrangements by which small and marginal farmers,...

Technological Interventions in Indian Food Systems and the Future of Food Security
Technological Interventions in Indian Food Systems and the Future of Food Security is available for download in PDF format. With India on track to become the world’s most populous country by 2030, agricultural technology will play a vital role in ensuring that the country meets...

Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Bihar: Getting to Zero Hunger
TCI’s 2022 report on Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in Bihar (FAN-Bihar) provides a detailed reassessment of the food system approach for achieving the 2nd Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2) — zero hunger by 2030 — in Bihar. The report emphasizes the high rates of malnutrition in...

TCI Briefing: Spatial Trends in Indian Agriculture 1960s to 2000s
Using almost half a century of data on area and production of major crops at the district level from ICRISAT’s VDSA database, TCI has mapped the evolution in farming. Download the report (PDF)

Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in India 2020: Leveraging Agriculture to Achieve Zero Hunger
TCI’s 2020 report on Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in India (FAN 2020) provides an analysis of India’s progress towards achieving the second sustainable development goal—zero hunger. Using district-level data and maps, the report highlights stark spatial differences in the extent of the hunger problem and identifies potential...

Pandemic Prices: COVID-19 Price Shocks and Their Implications for Nutrition Security in India
In Pandemic Prices: Price Shocks from COVID-19 and Their Implications on Nutrition Security in India, TCI researchers assess the impact that India’s COVID-19 lockdown had on Indian food prices. They demonstrate that the lockdown disrupted the supply chains for some foods more than others, driving up...