Research Area: Markets & Value Chains

Food Loss of Perishable Produce from Farm to Retail: Evidence from Tomato Supply Chains in South India
Abstract Background Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) may narrow gaps between fruit and vegetable production and recommended intake. However, FLW estimates are inconsistent due to varying estimation methods. Objectives Using multiple estimation approaches, we examined the extent and determinants of FLW along tomato supply...

Comparative Study of Farmer Producer Organizations in Bihar and Maharashtra
TCI-TARINA Policy Brief No.15, April 2020

Experiences from the Field: Governance Issues and Social Inclusion in Aggregation Models
TCI-TARINA Policy Brief No. 14, November 2019

Emergence of Aggregation Models in the Agricultural Sector: Roles, Strengths, and Challenges
TARINA Policy Brief No. 13, August 2019

Making Pulses Affordable Again: Policy Options from the Farm to Retail in India
TCI-TARINA Policy Brief No. 8, May 2017

Transforming Smallholder Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs
Abstract There is overwhelming historical evidence from the developed world and from the newly emerging economies of the developing world that indicates that agricultural growth has been the primary engine of overall economic growth. The transformation of economies around the world, from predominantly agricultural to...

Women’s Empowerment in Indian Agriculture: Does Market Orientation of Farming Systems Matter?
Abstract This paper studies the relationship between the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) and market orientation of farm production in India. This is the first time that the WEAI has been used in an Indian agricultural context and the first time that it is...

Nutritional Outcomes of Empowerment and Market Integration for Women in Rural India
Abstract Over half of all women of reproductive age are affected by anaemia in India. In this paper we study the role that both household market integration and women’s empowerment in agriculture can play in determining women’s dietary diversity. Our analysis is based on primary...

Market Access, Production Diversity, and Diet Diversity: Evidence From India
Abstract Background: Recent literature, largely from Africa, shows mixed effects of own-production on diet diversity. However, the role of own-production, relative to markets, in influencing food consumption becomes more pronounced as market integration increases. Objective: This paper investigates the relative importance of two factors –...

Shortage of Pulses in India: Understanding How Markets Incentivize Supply Response
Abstract Purpose This paper aims to understand the significant farm and market-level factors that incentivize the adoption and marketing of pulses influencing its supply response to changing demand. Design/methodology/approach The authors first use a modified Nerlovian supply response model using secondary data to identify the...