Author: Fatma Rekik

Soils and Human Health: Communication Between Geo-Environmental, Socio-Demographic and Lifestyle of Rural Tribal Women of Jharkhand, India and Their Mineral Nutrition
Abstract A holistic view on possible determinants of human health within a poor subsistence farming community is important to addressing pressing issues surrounding hidden hunger. This survey study assesses the mineral nutrition of women in rural tribal communities of Jharkhand, India, and its possible connection...

Soil Health, a Basis for Human Health: A Study on the Interlinkages between Agronomic Factors and Human Nutritional Wellbeing in Jharkand, India
Abstract The resources that shape our environment, including soils, play an immense role in determining our health. Yet, not much attention has been given to the study of the soil–human health nexus. In this dissertation, we address this research deficiency by conducting a cross sectional...