Tag: hunger

Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in India 2020: Leveraging Agriculture to Achieve Zero Hunger
TCI’s 2020 report on Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in India (FAN 2020) provides an analysis of India’s progress towards achieving the second sustainable development goal—zero hunger. Using district-level data and maps, the report highlights stark spatial differences in the extent of the hunger problem and identifies potential...

Digging deeper: Hunger, undernutrition and poverty linkages
A staggering 2 billion people get so little essential vitamins and minerals from the foods they eat that they remain undernourished, according to the 2014 Global Hunger Index (GHI), released recently by TCi partner International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)…

Zero Hunger in India Is Possible with Diverse Food System
With some 200 million people suffering, India has relatively high rates of hunger compared with the rest of the world. However, malnutrition is not uniform throughout the country, and its prevalence corresponds to the uneven levels of economic development between…

In Op-Ed, TCI Director Calls for Reorientation of Indian Agriculture
TCI director Prabhu Pingali says the Indian government should refocus its agricultural policy on the production of diverse, nutrient-rich crops to reduce hunger and malnutrition. Writing in the Daily Pioneer, Pingali argued that India’s focus on staple grains like wheat…