Tag: micronutrient

Linking women’s empowerment, iron deficiency and farming systems in Chandrapur, Maharashtra
TCi Scholar Soumya Gupta , a Ph.D. candidate in applied economics and management at Cornell University, reports about her fieldwork in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India, where she is studying how women’s empowerment and participation in agriculture differs across…

Will India’s new food bill have an impact on under-nourished women and children?
Alina Paul-Bossuet is a communications specialist with TCi partner organization ICRISAT, where she engages in range of agricultural development issues and topics around India. Here, she contributes a guest post about India’s recently passed, much debated, Food Security Bill.

MNDA pilot project begins
A recent post outlined TCi efforts to gather essential metrics to provide a standardized and streamlined way to measure nutrition status within current and existing agriculture surveys, through its Minimum Nutrition Dataset for Agriculture (MNDA). Here is an update on…

Spatial trends in Indian agriculture: 1960s to 2000s
Hilary Byerly is a Masters student at Cornell’s Dyson School and a research assistant for the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (TCi).
The narrative of the Green Revolution in India is familiar to agricultural development practitioners. High-yield varieties of wheat…

Starting upstream: Why are Indians not getting enough micronutrients?
Julia Felice is a Post-Doctoral Associate with TCi who examine national agriculture and nutrition data to elucidate elements of food insecurity that may result from inadequate availability of nutrients in the food supply vs. inadequate or inequitable accessibility of those…

Leveraging Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture
Soumya Gupta is a PhD candidate at Cornell’s Dyson School and a research scholar with the Tata-Cornell Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (TCi). She was a 2015 Next Generation Delegate at the Global Food Security Symposium convened by the Chicago Council.…

Changing Food Systems for Improved Health: Seeking Win-Wins
Food systems have much greater impact on our health and wellbeing than they are getting credit for by the popular press and in the general debate. In spite of economically well-functioning food systems, nutrition-related health problems are huge both in…

Sfurti micronutrient sachets: The journey so far and challenges ahead
Iron, an important micronutrient for normal body functioning and stamina, is deficient across the world and severely affects women and children in developing countries as reported by WHO. Common symptoms of iron deficiency lead to lower level of stamina, fatigue…

Videos from the Field: Rohil Bhatnagar
During his summer of exploratory research, Rohil Bhatnagar has spent two months visiting rural villages in order to assess dietary patterns, market-level food diversity, and nutritional awareness – especially around iron-deficiency anemia. Learn more about how this fieldwork in Gujarat,…

Dietary predictors of iron-deficiency anemia in rural India
Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is a global, multifactorial nutritional disorder having severe health and economic implications. The burden of IDA is most prevalent in resource-limited settings that rely primarily on staple cereals and a few vegetables for nourishment. Specifically in India, …