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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Tag: Naveen Sunder

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Leveraging Men’s Education as an Effective Pathway for Improving Diet Quality: Evidence from Rural India

Abstract Read a policy brief based on this study. Investing in nutrition-sensitive sectors such as education can be an effective strategy for combatting malnutrition. In this paper, we analyze the role that men’s education plays in determining dietary diversity outcomes using primary data from 3600...
Male students writing in school

Well-Educated Men Mean Well-Nourished Households

Among development practitioners and policymakers, women’s education is a key tool for improving household nutrition, but according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI), men’s education also plays an important role in improving the nutritional…
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Essays On K-12 Education in Developing Countries – Causes, Consequences and Impediments

Abstract This dissertation focusses on the causes and consequences of low human capital accumulation among children and adolescents in developing countries in Asia and Africa. My analysis is divided into three separate papers that explore different aspects of this research agenda. Broadly, chapter 1 of...

Improving Dietary Diversity through Market Access, Livestock, and Women’s Education

In developing countries like India, people in rural areas often subsist on diets of mostly cereal grains which lack important micronutrients, leading to a range of maladies, including anemia, stunting, low birth weight, and more. In a newly published article…

Yes, Women in India Are Consuming a Less Diverse Diet

With nearly 55% of rural Indian women suffering from anemia and 30% considered to be underweight, it is no surprise that researchers and policymakers alike are interested in ways to assess and improve women’s diets. In a newly published paper…

TCI Alumnus Expands Research After Graduating

Naveen Sunder, who graduated from Cornell University with his PhD in economics in May 2019, didn’t join the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) until midway through his graduate studies, but nearly a year after graduating, he is still…

Dr. Naveen Sunder

Naveen Sunder completed his PhD in economics at Cornell University in May 2019. He joined the faculty of Bentley University as an assistant professor. Naveen specializes in using microeconomics and econometrics to address questions in international development, with a focus…