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Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Tag: Prabhu Pingali

Why agricultural income growth is critical for young women’s nutrition

Much academic and policy interest has been generated in recent years to understand how the agricultural sector can be leveraged to address problems of malnutrition in developing countries. For improving nutrition among women in particular, agriculture─nutrition linkages are important, since…
panelists discussing book

Tata-Cornell Institute’s co-authors launch new book on food systems in India

Co-authors from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition and the Dyson School have published a new book, Transforming Food Systems for a Rising India, as a reflection of the institute’s key intellectual results and research works undertaken within the…

Op-Ed: We’ll Be What We Eat

With a five-fold increase in food grain production since 1947, India has moved away from its dependence on food aid to become a net food exporter. However, the country still shares a quarter of the global hunger burden. By 2011,…

IFPRI book launch: Transforming food systems for a rising India

Despite broad economic progress, India continues to face persistent food insecurity, malnutrition, and high levels of stunting. This paradox is at the center of a new book by researchers at the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition, Transforming Food Systems…

How Did COVID-19 Impact India’s Food Prices?

In this blog post, TCI’s Payal Seth, Prabhu Pingali, and Bhaskar Mittra present their analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on food prices in India.  In normal times, access to nutrient-rich food to all is a challenge for…

Improving Dietary Diversity through Market Access, Livestock, and Women’s Education

In developing countries like India, people in rural areas often subsist on diets of mostly cereal grains which lack important micronutrients, leading to a range of maladies, including anemia, stunting, low birth weight, and more. In a newly published article…
people at outdoor market

Pandemics and Food Systems – Towards a Proactive Food Safety Approach to Disease Prevention & Management

In this blog post, which originally appeared as an op-ed piece in Food Security, TCI alumna Anaka Aiyar and director Prabhu Pingali advocate for investments in food safety as part of the response to COVID-19. Abstract Recent large-scale pandemics such…

Dyson BusinessFeed: Tata-Cornell Institute’s co-authors launch new book on food systems in India

The BusinessFeed announces news and updates important to the “our business is a better world” mission of the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management; in this case, an article about the launch of TCI’s new Food Systems…

TCI Featured in Cornell Alumni Magazine

The Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) is profiled in the November/December 2019 issue of Cornell Alumni Magazine. “It Takes a Village” explores the ways that TCI faculty and students work to fight malnutrition, poor sanitation, stunted growth, and…

Amidst Pandemic, TCI Director Calls for Investment in Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

In an op-ed in Nature India, Tata-Cornell Institute Director Prabhu Pingali asserts that the coronavirus pandemic presents an opportunity for India to reboot its agricultural policy in favor of nutritious, sustainable crops. The piece was co-authored by Arabinda K. Padhee,…