
Shaping Favorable Policies to Achieve Food Systems Diversity in India: An Agenda for Action
September 1, 2016
by Vanya Mehta
TCI-TARINA Policy Brief No. 1, September 2016

Three Essays On Agriculture – Nutrition Linkages: Women’s Iron Status and Empowerment In Agriculture In Chandrapur, India
July 1, 2016
by Soumya Gupta
Cornell University, 2016

Guidelines for Incorporating Dietary Diversity Metrics in Agriculture-Nutrition Surveys
June 1, 2016
by Soumya Gupta
TCI-TARINA Training Manual No. 1, June 2016

The Hunger Metrics Mirage: There’s Been Less Progress on Hunger Reduction Than It Appears
May 5, 2016
by Prabhu Pingali
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Opinion section, Vol. 113, No. 18, pg. 4880–4883

Book Review: The Evolving Sphere of Food Security
October 15, 2015
by Prabhu Pingali
Food Security, 7(6): October. (2015)

Foraging and Body Condition Characterization of Goats in Northwestern India
The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 2015, 21(2): 245-252

TCI Briefing: Spatial Trends in Indian Agriculture 1960s to 2000s
June 1, 2015
by Hilary Byerly
Using almost half a century of data on area and production of major crops at the district level from ICRISAT’s VDSA database, TCI has mapped the evolution in farming. Download the report (PDF)

Agricultural Policy and Nutrition Outcomes – Getting Beyond the Preoccupation with Staple Grains
May 15, 2015
by Prabhu Pingali
Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food, 7: 583-591. (2015)

Mainstreaming Nutrition Metrics in Household Surveys – Toward a Multidisciplinary Convergence of Data Systems
November 18, 2014
by Prabhu Pingali, Katie Ricketts
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1331: 249-257. (2014)