GFS Conference Kickoff: Poster tours + face-to-face connections

With the Global Food Security Conference hosted at Cornell, TCi has worked hard behind the scenes to organize a thematic group (Theme 11: The agriculture-nutrition-health Nexus), coordinate conference volunteers, and offer funding for TCi Scholars and Young Indian Scholars to attend the proceedings. We are thrilled so many minds dedicated to improving agriculture, nutrition and health in India could come together at this conference!

Young Indian Scholars meeting Director Prabhu Pingali & Associate Director Bhaskar Mittra (Photo from left to right: A. Ponraj, B. Paswan, R. Sharma, P. Pingali, B. Mittra, C. Mishra)

Dr. Soumya Gupta (TCi Scholar, graduate 2015) presents her thesis work “Farming Systems, Women’s Empowerment, & Iron Status in Chandrapur, India”

Dr. R. Padmaja (ICRISAT Science Officer / TCi Visiting Scientist) presents on “Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of Women and Children: Evidence from the ICRISAT Village Level Studies”

Baijnath Paswan (Young Indian Scholar) shares his work in Bihar “Women Institutions Catalyst for ‘Agri-Nutrition & Health’ Movement”

Dr. Vanisha Nambiar (Young Indian Scholar) and Dr. Pingali discuss her analysis of the “Promotion of the concept of “Agri-Nutri-Health’ among Households Enrolled in the MKSP” in Gujarat