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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Understanding the Determinants of Farmers’ Adoption of Artificial Insemination in Livestock


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The adoption of artificial insemination (AI) in livestock is a crucial factor in enhancing breeding efficiency, livestock productivity, and income opportunities for farmers. However, the adoption of AI among farmers can vary significantly, influenced by a multitude of factors. This systematic review is one of the first to synthesize and analyze existing research to identify the key determinants influencing livestock AI adoption. The review identifies and categorizes determinants into distinct themes, including socio-demographic factors, livestock and farm-related attributes, AI-related factors, institutional support, and psychological drivers. The findings suggest that targeted interventions, such as educational programs and awareness campaigns, should be tailored to address the specific needs of different farmer groups. Reducing the distance to AI centers and ensuring reliable AI services can mitigate the risk of missed heat cycles. Implementing subsidies or cost-sharing mechanisms can enhance affordability, particularly for financially constrained farmers. Furthermore, support for cooperative and farmer group initiatives that provide a market for livestock-related products and strengthened extension services can facilitate faster dissemination of AI technology. 

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