Tag: Harold van Es

Can Agrivoltaics Help Achieve Zero-Hunger, Zero-Carbon Food Systems?
With a rising global population, demand for food and energy is increasing while the world seeks to move away from fossil fuel use. TCI’s Zero-Hunger, Zero-Carbon Food Systems project aims to reduce the climate impacts of food production in Bihar…

Study Reveals Complex Links Between Soil and Human Health
Nutrition doesn’t depend only on the type of food you eat. It is influenced by a complex network of factors, including soil, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI).
In a study published in…

Soils and Human Health: Communication Between Geo-Environmental, Socio-Demographic and Lifestyle of Rural Tribal Women of Jharkhand, India and Their Mineral Nutrition
Abstract A holistic view on possible determinants of human health within a poor subsistence farming community is important to addressing pressing issues surrounding hidden hunger. This survey study assesses the mineral nutrition of women in rural tribal communities of Jharkhand, India, and its possible connection...

Expert Panel Addresses Agriculture and Climate Change in India
A panel of experts at a webinar hosted by the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) on Tuesday, February 15, spoke about the links between agriculture and climate change and the potential to create zero-hunger, zero-carbon food systems in…

TCI to Host Webinar on Climate Change and Agriculture
Can India achieve zero hunger while significantly lowering the greenhouse gas emissions associated with its agricultural sector? The Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) at Cornell University will host a webinar with leading experts to tackle this question and…

Ambitious Initiative Aims to Achieve Zero-Hunger, Zero-Carbon Food Systems
A new initiative at the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) will chart a path for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with agriculture while meeting the nutritional demands of growing populations.
The two-year research project will develop accurate…

Gaining Ground on Soil Health
By Harold van Es and Phil Frost
Harold van Es is a Professor of Soil and Water Management and former Chair of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Cornell University. Phil Frost is a Ph.D. student in Crop…

Bihar University Research Shows Impact of TCI Soil Health Project
Investments in soil health infrastructure have boosted efforts by the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) to promote a holistic approach to soil health in India. Two doctoral candidates trained by TCI at a special lab at the Dr.…

Dr. Harold van Es
Harold van Es is a professor of soil and water management and former chair of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Cornell University. He received degrees from the University of Amsterdam, Iowa State University, and North Carolina State…