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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Research Area: Agriculture Transformation, Food Systems & Nutrition Transition

Dr. Sunaina Dhingra

Sunaina Dhingra is an associate professor in the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy at O.P. Jindal Global University in India. She was a postdoctoral associate at TCI. Her research addressed the extent to which early childhood (pre-school) exposure…
Andaleeb Rahman

Dr. Andaleeb Rahman

Andaleeb Rahman is a research associate at TCI. He is an economist by training. His research interests are economic and human development. Much of his work explores aspects of agriculture, food, and nutritional security in India. At TCI, Andaleeb is…
Soumya Gupta

Dr. Soumya Gupta

Soumya Gupta is a research economist at TCI. Her research interests lie at the intersections of food security, agriculture, and maternal and child nutrition. Soumya received her PhD from Cornell University’s Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. She was…
Mathew Abraham

Dr. Mathew Abraham

Dr. Mathew Abraham is the assistant director of TCI. He is responsible for coordinating research and offering strategic guidance and support for project implementation. Previously, Mathew joined TCI as a postdoctoral associate in August 2015, after completing his PhD from…
Prabhu Pingali

Dr. Prabhu Pingali

Dr. Prabhu Pingali is the founding director of TCI and a professor in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, with an appointment in the Department of Global Development in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences…

A Research Vision for Food Systems in the 2020s: Defying the Status Quo

Highlights Research and science should not only inform food and environmental policy but should be adopted and mainstreamed into actions at all levels. Food systems are faced with grander and interconnected challenges and constraints that bring about new research questions. Research has a vital role in charting...

Agriculture and Rural Development in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Opportunities

Rapid structural transformation and urbanization are transforming agriculture and food production in rural areas across the world. This textbook provides a comprehensive review and assessment of the multi-faceted nature of agriculture and rural development, particularly in the developing world, where the greatest challenges occur. It...