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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition

Tag: Prabhu Pingali

Yes, Women in India Are Consuming a Less Diverse Diet

With nearly 55% of rural Indian women suffering from anemia and 30% considered to be underweight, it is no surprise that researchers and policymakers alike are interested in ways to assess and improve women’s diets. In a newly published paper…

TCI Director Calls for Investment in Rural Economic Growth

Boosting rural economies by increasing the productivity of small-farms and expanding non-farm job opportunities can reduce the number of impoverished Indians who migrate from rural to urban areas in search of profitable employment after the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a …
Prabhu Pingali

TCI Director Named Chair of ICRISAT Governing Board

Prabhu Pingali, director of the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI), has been named chair of the governing board of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). ICRISAT is an international organization that conducts development-related scientific…

New TCI Study Identifies Household Risk Factors for Mycotoxins

A new study co-authored by researchers at the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI) identifies household risk factors for exposure to mycotoxins—harmful chemicals produced by fungi—that can be targeted in food safety interventions. The study focuses on aflatoxin, a…
A man frying food in pans of hot oil

New TCI Study Shows Urbanization Increases Risk of Rural Obesity

For developing countries like India, the growth and expansion of cities brings economic opportunities to those living in impoverished rural areas. But those opportunities come at a price. According to a new study from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and…

TCI Op-Ed Stresses Importance of Farmer Producer Organizations

Strong farmer producer organizations (FPOs) are necessary if India’s small farmers are to take full advantage of a new set of laws liberalizing the country’s agricultural markets, say Tata-Cornell Institute (TCI) Director Prabhu Pingali and Assistant Director Mathew Abraham. In…
Women sitting on ground surrounded by fruits and vegetables

New Study Shows Cost of EAT-Lancet Diet in India

The least-expensive healthy diet recommended by the EAT-Lancet Commission costs up to five times as much as what Indians currently spend, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI). In a study published in Global…
Three boys walking in the street

To Reduce Stunting in India, Space Out Births

Adequate spacing between births can help to alleviate the likelihood of stunting in children, according to a new study from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI). In an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of…
Prabhu Pingali

Dr. Prabhu Pingali

Dr. Prabhu Pingali is the founding director of TCI and a professor in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, with an appointment in the Department of Global Development in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences…

A Research Vision for Food Systems in the 2020s: Defying the Status Quo

Highlights Research and science should not only inform food and environmental policy but should be adopted and mainstreamed into actions at all levels. Food systems are faced with grander and interconnected challenges and constraints that bring about new research questions. Research has a vital role in charting...