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Cornell University

Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition


Policy brief on promoting millets in the PDS

Promoting Millets in the Public Distribution System

October 30, 2023
This special policy brief provides cost-saving estimates associated with the potential introduction of millets into India’s Public Distribution System (PDS), which provides subsidized food to more than 800 million people. This analysis provides policymakers and other stakeholders with valuable information that can be used to...

Are the Lessons from the Green Revolution Relevant for Agricultural Growth and Food Security in the Twenty-First Century?

January 3, 2023 by Prabhu Pingali
In Jonna P. Estudillo, Yoko Kijima, and Tetsushi Tenobe (Eds.), Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka, Springer 2023
Cover of "Aggregation Models and Small Farm Commercialization"

Aggregation Models and Small Farm Commercialization: An Annotated Bibliography of Relevant Literature

November 11, 2022
Smallholder aggregation models around the globe have the potential to contribute significantly to agricultural growth and productivity by facilitating improved access to credit, inputs, markets, and information. Aggregation models, including farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and cooperatives, are institutional arrangements by which small and marginal farmers,...
True Cost of the PDS Special Policy Brief

Revealing the Hidden Production Costs of India’s Public Distribution System

November 3, 2022
This policy brief presents preliminary estimates of the environmental and health-related costs associated with the production of food grain for India’s Public Distribution System (PDS), a program that provides subsidized food to more than 800 million Indians. This new analysis provides government policymakers, advocates, and...